Administrator Guide 2017
Item type

Item types

Item types make inputting data on the device simple and targetted to the job in hand. Many items contain the same sorts of information about when and how to display them, whether device users can modify list items or add more information and whether data must be entered before the form can be signed-off (ie mandatory). Most forms will incorporate a signature and many will have an optional photograph for supporting evidence.

Within Template Maintenance in the Setup menu, select an existing or create a new template. Open or create a document, a page and a section until it looks something like the screenshot to the left. Click on the Add item button to see the selection list on the right.

Click on these links to find out more about the parameters that can be set for different item types.

Text Drop-down list Number (Whole)
Number (Decimal) Date Risk factor 1
Risk factor 2 Risk factor 3 Risk factor 4
Risk factor N Total risk score Standard/critical contraventions
Contraventions score Multiple-choice Calculated value
Tick (check) box Signature Fixed text
Table Output field Job data
E-mail address Invoice table Work status
Image Photo Screen capture
Time Calculate elapsed time Add form option
Forward form option Copy form option Forward form and delegate job completion
Scanned list Action buttons Job attachments
Contact person General attachments Damage control
Text box entry of list item Extension history General output data
Shared secret Alternative customer Sketch
Drawing location Anti-list (text box entry of item not in list) GPS reading - start form
GPS reading - finish form Supporting attachment Number (Whole) - for pricing
Number (Decimal) - for pricing Section score total ConfirmText Box
Password Confirm password Confirm e-mail address
Help Address Phone number
Person name Barcode (from database) Barcode
Barcode or text entry Prevent saving widget Time stamp
Stopwatch timer
See Also